Please be patient while Truly's page loads..there are recent updates of her shows at the bottom.

">Jarva and the foals

Truly was born on 12th March 2005 at 8pm one day early :-)
She is absolutely gorgeous and very friendly! Mum Maddie had a easy birth and is doing very well too :-)
Truly's Dad is a young Thoroughbred Event horse called Primitive Proposal by Primitive Rising (Primitive Rising was Frankies Dad too, Maddie's 3rd foal)
Maddie (now 21yo in 2008)is by Cruise Missile out of Jarva (now 34yo in 2008) who is by Xenocles.
I hope you enjoy our updates of Truly and you can share her growing up :-)

Truly's Mum Maddie

Rocky. Truly's half brother, Maddies 1st foal.Senna is in-foal to Rocky and due to foal anytime now :-)

Truly's half brother Frankie, Maddie's 3rd foal

Primitive Proposal , Truly's Dad

Maddie had a bay filly at 8pm Saturday 12th March :-) Mum and baby are doing very well :-)
This photo's were taken when baby was about an hour old!

My friend Kevin took these lovely photo's of Maddie and her baby! Kevin also set up the webcam for me and I am very very grateful to him!
Thankyou so much Kevin :-)


Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Truly,
Happy Birthday to you!
Well Truly is one year old today! :-) because she is a Thoroughbred her official Birthday is January 1st..but March 12th is her real Birthday :-)
She's going through a growth spurt so is higher behind at the moment.
I brought her in to brush the mud off but she just seemed to get dustier lol

Truly has been an absolute angel this week :-) she had learned to load in the horsebox, had her mane pulled, had her first bath , had her first rug on and her first bit in her mouth :-)
We had entered her for Herts County Show on the 27th May 2006 in the yearling sporthorse class for fillies , colts and geldings.
We left the stables at 5am to head for the show and arrived before 7am which gave me enough time to plait Truly's mane and tail. She was so good and stood patiently in the horsebox just watching out the window. It was very overcast and the showground was very boggy that we had to get towed in (and out) by a huge tractor.
I got changed and put her bridle on and lead her down the ramp...she was all eyes and there were horses everywhere and a little colt neighing and jumping about by the box next to us.
I lead her into the ring and she was very good and walked around nicely.
There were eight other entrants and Truly WON!!!!!
I was so happy :-) we got a nice red rosette and a special Sport Horse Breeding of GB rosette too.
We then had to wait around for the Youngstock Championship. It was for the First and Second prizewinners in the yearling class, the two year old class and the three year old class.
A two year colt won the Championship and a three year old colt came reserve and Truly came 3rd :-)
To my delight Truly won a huge silver cup for the highest placed filly in the Championship :-)
We then took her back to the box and she loaded perfectly :-)
Maddie and Jarva were very pleased to see her when we got home...I think she told them all about her big day out :-)

29th May 2006
We entered Truly for the Hunter yearling class at Surrey County show today and she was placed 3rd :-) She was a very good girl and behaved herself all day :-)

8th June 2006
We took Truly to the South of England show today.
She was a good girl and came 4th. She has lost a little weight and looked a little bit lean as I think the traveling and excitement of the last couple of weeks has taken it's toll. Hopefully she will put it back on quickly and will look better the next time we go to a show. It's difficult with showing as they do like fat horses which is something I hate about it as it can cause problems with their joints etc. and I never let my youngsters carry too much weight. So I have to find that fine line where she is looking good enough to show without being fat.
Our next show is the Royal Norfolk so we shall see how she looks in a couple of weeks :-)

28th June 2006
Truly had another adventure today as we took her to the Royal Norfolk Show and stayed overnight.
She was a very good girl and settled in her stable..she had a good view of all the other horses and there was lots for her to see.
The Royal Norfolk is probably my favourite showground as it is beautiful and everyone is so friendly and the atmosphere is great there.
I was last there about 12 years ago with Sammy in the workers and before that Truly's brother Rocky was there in the Hunter Yearling and also granny Jarva was there with Monster Man in the Hunter broodmare and foal it's been quite a family tradition to take them there lol
Truly was very fidgety and would not stand properly for the judge which was annoying although forgivable lol She obviously is enjoying her outings :-)
We came second which was good as she was the only filly in the class and the colt that came first was huge and gorgeous too :-)
We went in the Championships but not surprisingly a lovely 3yo got champion and the huge yearling came reserve.

2nd July 2006
We've had a very busy week lol..Wednesday we took Truly to Norfolk, Sunday we took Troy teams Show Jumping at Felbridge and after unloading Troy, loaded up Truly and drove to The Royal Show in Warwickshire!
The M25 was full of roadworks and the M1 was mega busy...we finally got to the showground at just before midnight only to be told by the security that we couldn't unload any horses as the vet had gone home and there was no one to check passports! A lady from Scotland arrived the same time as us and had four horses on board and went mad at the guys until they finally got the vet to come and check us in.
We finally got Truly into her stable at 1am and ourselves in bed at 1.30am !
Luckily Truly's class wasn't until 11am so we didn't have to be up the crack of dawn.
She was very tucked up and had dropped weight unfortunately because of the awful journey and waiting around in the heat. She was bright as a button and still well behaved and she came 3rd in her class :-)
Poor Philip got a kick from another horse while leading Truly about in the collecting ring before hand by an unpredictable of those moments when I could see it coming but couldn't tell him quick enough to watch out.
He didn't tell me the horse actually caught him until I had finished my class..bless him.
It was such a hot day and it was nice to have a stable for Truly while we spent the rest of the day walking around the show :-)
We all arrived home very tired..Truly has been asleep flat out most of today while Mummy Maddie has been standing over her :-)

14th July 2006 Kent County

Happy Birthday Truly!
Truly is two years old today :-)
She is growing up really fast and looks like a big girl now.
She has almost completely lost her winter coat and looks a lot different than she did this time last year lol..she has been rugged up this winter ready for the shows this year otherwise she would still be very hairy.
We haven't measured her but we think she must be just over 16 hands now...I just hope she doesn't get to be as tall as her brother Frankie lol

7th May 2007
Leicestershire Show
Truly's first show this year as a two year old :-)
She was a very good girly but we had strong competiton here and didn't get the results we had last year.
She came 5th in the Hunter 2yo's aginst some huge warmblood colts and was unplaced in the Sportshorse 2yo class.
She trotted the triangle really well although I don't think she was moving as well as she did last year. I'm not sure if the hard rutty ground and the combination that the recent dry weather has chipped her feet had anything to do with it but she didn't have her flowing elavated trot as normal :-(
The horses that did place were gorgeous so no sour grapes :-)

26th May 2007
Truly went to Herts County Show today and came 2nd in the 2yo Sportshorse class :-)
She was well behaved in her class but was naughty in the Championship lol..jig jogging and leaping about!..she got told off for that lol

7th June 2007
Truly went to The South of England Show today and got 4th in the 2yo Sportshorse class :-)
I was thrilled with her result as there were eight very nice horses in the class!
She was very well behaved trotting the triangle which is very important in the sporthorse classes as they are strict on manners and there were a few that were very naughty!
I always look at the breeding of the other entrants and as far as I know I haven't seen another full thoroughbred in any of her classes...which makes me very proud of Truly that she is doing well against the popular warmbloods and some Irish crosses :-)
I also think the judge Henrietta Knight (racehorse trainer of Best Mate fame) must have appreciated her great walk lol
They say when going to the racehorse sales they always look for a good walk as it usually means they have a great gallop ;-)

15th June 2007
I took Truly to the East of England show today :-)
We entered the Performance Horse Loose Jumping class.
The schedule said the fences would be approx 2ft, so at home we loose schooled over a couple of cross poles at about 2 ft to 2ft3".
Because I don't want to do too much with Truly as she is only a baby we only practised at home twice.
I nearly had kittens as when we got to the ring the jumps were 'huge' (well ...for my baby) and I think they ended up with a 2'9" parallel !
First of all we walked over the poles on the ground and then I let her loose and jumped a cross pole, then she came round again and jumped a two strided double of cross poles, then she came round again and jumped the same with the back pole up of the second cross pole and then finally she came round and jumped with the second part a true parallel.
She was sooooo good ! and I was sooo proud of her!
She came 4th out of 11.
My little TB filly showed the Warmbloods a thing or two lol :-)

2nd July 2007
I'm soooo happy today :-) my Truly 'WON' her class at The Royal Show at Stoneleigh Warwickshire :-)
She won the 2yo Hunter fillies class...I was so emotional that I almost burst into tears lol but I kept my composure until I got out of the ring :P
I'm going to be on a high for weeks lol

12th March 2008
Happy Birthday Truly!
3 years old today!

24th MAY 2008
Truly's first show of the year at Herts County.
Wow! way to go Truly :-)
1st 3 yo Sport Horse and Reserve Champion !!!!!
Click here for page 2 of Truly