About our Livery Stables
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Details and how much to keep your horse at our stables!
Stables Edition
Page Two
Dressage Series, Clear round and Rallies.
Prizegiving Bar-B-Q and Points Championship of our Dressage Series
Saddles, Horse for half loan,Horse Box for sale at our stables.
Lost and Found information
Daily update
The UK's first and only cremello Thoroughbred
Maddie's foal Truly born 12th March 2005
Page two of Truly's updates
Troy's updates! Photo's and Video!
Sennas foal Uluhan, born 31st March 2005
Frankie's progress
Our stallion Scally's Missile
Our broodmare Samba Beat
Our broodmare Sheezacista
Our chocolate labrador puppy Harleys very own page
Our horses and our liveries horses at our stables.
Photo's in memory of our horses that we have owned
A view of our livery stables
Photo's of our holiday.
Our day out to Molash.
Animated horses that people have given our stables.
Things that may be of use to you!
Things that you may find interesting!
Cool quotes
On Horsemanship, written over 2000 years ago.
Membership Information, Newsletter and Schedules
Shows, Sponsored Rides, X-C etc.
Our visit to the Bluegrass
Senna & Kenny's 2009 foals by Rocky
My trip to see friends in Massachusettes and Virginia
My trip to the USA to see friends
BRC NAT CHAMPS 2006 and 2007
Riding clubs at Lincoln
15th April
4th May 2008
Rocky's 2009 foals out of Senna & Kenny
Sunday 6th June 2010
Show Jumping Results


He has galloped through young girl's dreams, added richness to grown women's lives, and served men in war and strife.
~Toni Robinson

For better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumps, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much becuse
they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory or defeat.
~Theodore Roosevelt

DRESSAGE, n.: the passionate pursuit of perfection by the obsessively imperfect

It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do.
~ Jerome K. Jerome

A pony is a childhood dream, A horse is an adulthood treasure.
~ Rebecca Carroll

I will not jump with common spirits
~William Shakespeare

There is just as much horse sense as ever, but the horses have most of it.
~ Anonymous

Spring and summer are riding on a piebald mare.
~ Russian Proverb

. . .A horse is a thing of such beauty. . .none will tire of looking at him as long as he displays himself in his splendor.

So philosophers so thouroughly comprehend us as horses.
~Hermann Melville.

The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire.
~Sharon Ralls Lemon

It's a lot like nuts and bolts - if the rider's nuts, the horse bolts!
~The Horse Whisperer

The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man
~Winston Churchill

To know the Arabian horse is to love him

If wishes were horses , beggars would ride

I found one way to fly; On the back of an airborne horse!
~Sarah Z.

To Ride Or Not To Ride?....What A Stupid Question!

Both a horse and a man have something in common, both dump you, though generally you get over the horse's dumping first.

I'd rather be dumped by a horse than dumped by a man!

All I pay my phsyciatrist is cost of feed and hay, and he'll listen to me any day!

I love the horse from hoof to head
From head to hoof and tail to mane
I love the horse as I have said
From head to hoof and back again.
~James Whitcomb Riley

Show me your horse and I will tell you what you are.
~Old English Saying

Horse thou art truly a creature
without equal, for thou fliest
without wings and conquerest
without sword.
~The Koran

A horse gallops with his lungs,
Perseveres with his heart,
And wins with his character.

There are fools, damn fools, and those who remount in a steeplechase.
~Bill Whitbread

My horses are my friends, not my slaves.
~Reiner Klimke

Your horse loves you; not for your looks, but for your love!
^ and food!

He knows when you're happy
He knows when you're comfortable
He knows when you're confident
And he ALWAYS knows when you have carrots

The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears.
~ Arabian proverb

There's nothing better for the soul of a man than the outside of a horse...
~Ronald Reagen

In this game there are millions of ways to get beaten but only 1 way to win-by finishing first
~Cigars trainer, Bill Mott

Four things greater than all things are Women and horses and power and War
~Rudyard Kipling

For want of a nail a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe a horse was lost,
for want of a horse a rider was lost, for want of a rider a army was lost,
for want of an army a battle was lost, for want of a battle the war was
lost, for want of the war the kingdom was lost, and all for the want of a
little horseshoe nail.
~Benjamin Franklin

Hard it is to teach the old horse to amble anew.
~Edmund Spencer

Men are generally more concerned of the breeding of their horses than of their children
~William Penn

There is no secret closer than what passes between a man and his horse
~RS Surtees

Why use a crop on the horse-they are made for the sibling!

If you start getting nervous about getting hurt you will be....If you are worringing about the danger it's time to give up.
~Jason Weaver (jockey)

I will not change my horse with any that treads but on four pasterns...When I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk. He trots the air, the earth sings when he touches it, the basest horn of his hoofs is more musical than the pipe of Hermes...When bestride him I soar, I am a hawk...
~ William Shakespeare

An instinct sympathy which makes the horse the master one heart, one pulse, one understanding love- is never made, but born.
~George Agnew Chamberlain

If your horse says no, you either asked the wrong question, or asked the question wrong.
~Pat Parelli

You can tell a horse owner by the interior of their car. Boots, mud, pony nuts, straw, items of tack and a screwed-up waxed jacket of incredible antiquity. There is normally a top layer of children and dogs.
~Helen Thompson

Somewhere...Somewhere in time's Own Space
There must be some sweet pastured place
Where creeks sing on and tall trees grow
Some Paradise where horses go,
For by the love that guides my pen
I know great horses live again.
~Stanley Harrison

The bucking started from the back door of hell on a hot day, and came out on the run,
~Charlie Siringo

Spending that many hours in the saddle gave a man plenty of time to think. That's why so many cowboys fancied themselves Philosophers.
~CM Russel

He's the kind of horse with a far-away look. He'll sure take a man through some awful places and sometimes only one comes out.
~WS James

"What's that boiling, coffee or horse piss?" "Horse piss-he ate the grounds and I couldn't see to let them
go to waste."

We found that the best use for his candy was lurin' your horse in the morning.
~Bill Craig

Never trust a cowhand that doesn't know how to properly tie a horse.
~A Cowboy Truth

For horses can educate through first hand, subjective, personal experiences, unlike human tutors, teachers, and professors can ever do. Horses can build character, not merely urge one to improve on it. Horses forge the mind, the character, the emotions and inner lives of humans. People can talk to one another about all these things and remain distanced and lonesome . In partnership with a horse, one is seldom lacking for thought, emotion and inspiration. One is always attended by a great companion.
~Charles de Kunffy

If you desire to handle a good war-horse so as to make his action the more magnificent and striking, you must refrain from pulling at his mouth with the bit as well as from spurring and whipping him. [...] but if you teach your horse to go with a light hand on the bit, and yet to hold his head well up and to arch his neck,
you will be making him do just what the animal himself glories and delights in.
~Xenophon - The Art of Horsemanship

For what the horse does under compulsion, as Simon also observes, is done without understanding; and there is no beauty in it either, any more than if one should whip and spur a dancer.
~Xenophon - The Art of Horsemanship

If, however, you reward him with kindness after he has done as you wish, and punish him when he
disobeys, he will be most likely to learn to obey as he ought.
~Xenophon - The Art of Horsemanship

It is the best of lessons if the horse gets a season of repose whenever he has behaved to his rider's satisfaction.
~Xenophon - The Art of Horsemanship

Horsemanship is the one art for which it seems one needs only practice. However, practice without true principles is nothing other than routine, the fruit of which is a strained and unsure execution, a false
diamond which dazzles semi-connoisseurs often more impressed by the accomplishments of the horse than the merit of the horseman.
~Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere

Grace is so great an adornment for a rider, and at the same time so important a means to the knowledge of all that which is necessary for persons aspiring to become riders, that such persons should willingly sped
the time required to obtain that quality at the outside of their endeavours.
~Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere

The knowledge of the nature of a horse is one of the first foundations of the art if riding it, and every horseman must make it his principal study.
~Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere

In order to have a good hand, it must be light, gentle, and firm.
~Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere

A light hand is one which never feels the contact of the bit with the bars.
~Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere

A gentle hand is one which feels the effect of the bit slightly without giving too much contact.
~Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere

A firm hand is one which holds the horse in full contact.
~Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere

Above all, a horse should never be chastised out of foul mood or anger, but always with complete dispassion.
~Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere

Neither should, for the same reason, the lessons be for too long a period; they fatigue and bore a horse,
and it should be returned to the stable with the same good spirits it had upon leaving it.
~Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere

Others make a point of trying to attain the precision and poise they see in those who have the ability to choose from a great number of horses those with [...] qualities found in only a very small number of horses. This leads to a circumstance in which these imitators of stuch studied poise mortify the spirit of a noble horse, and remove from it all of the goodness of temperament Nature has given it.
~Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere

Horsemanship is not merely a matter of bodily skills, but is based on scholarship and, therefore, is a matter of the mind and intellect. Good horsemansip is based on proper character development and, therefore, is
also a matter of mentality and spirit. Without the correct attitudes and insights, there cannot be the right sport.
~Charles de Kunffy

Courage, wisdom born of insight and humility, empathy born of compassion and love, all can be bequethed by a horse to his rider.
~Charles de Kunffy

A horse 'held in shape' by his rider is only posturing in a seemingly correct form, usually for the benefit of inexperienced observers.
~Charles de Kunffy

Speed is the enemy of impulsion.
~Charles de Kunffy

Competitive riding should be classical riding at its best.
~Charles de Kunffy

...there are more and more peole who have no access to classical equestrian education or lack the will to purue it, riders who are intellectually lazy, are physically incompetent, and will gladly promote the notion that there is a new kind of dressage akin to technology.
~Charles de Kunffy

Dressage riding comprises many skills, several of which are acquired by jumping and riding cross-country,
or on trails.
~Charles de Kunffy

No man ought to looke a given horse in the mouth.
~John Heywood

A short horse is soone curried.
~John Heywood

A man may well bring a horse to the water,
~John Heywood

While the grasse groweth the horse starveth.
~John Heywood

The grey mare is the better horse.
~John Heywood

Set the cart before the horse.
~John Heywood

England is a paradise for women and hell for horses; Italy a paradise for horses, hell for women
~Robert Burton

Hark! the shrill trumpet sounds to horse! away!
~Colley Cibber

The ass will carry his load, but not a double load; ride not a free horse to death.
~Miguel de Cervantes
A cowboy is a man with guts and a horse.
~Will James

It is wonderful when one is out with these animals, how attached they become. There are times when I would walk up to my horse, that he would nicker in a low tone and ruh his nose against me in a very knowing manner.
~HS Young

The typical cowboy was wolf wild and free as the wind.
~Charlie Cowboy

I took to the life of a cowboy like a horse takes to oats.
~Clinton McCoy

On horseback you could ride through the cattle and they would pay no
attention. But the minute you dismount, you becomes a threat.
~David J Myers

If your horse doesn't care, you shouldn't either
~Linsy Lee

To ride a horse is to ride the sky

How the horse dominated the mind of the early races especially of the Mediterranean! You were a lord if you had a horse. Far back, far back in our dark soul the horse prances...The horse, the horse! The symbol of surging potency and power of movement, of action in man!

O for a horse with wings!
~William Shakespeare

As full of spirit as the month of May, and as gorgeous as the sun in Midsummer.
~William Shakespeare

A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!
~William Shakespeare

Well could he ride, and often men would say, "That horse his mettle from his rider takes: Proud of subjection, noble by the sway, What rounds, what bounds, what course, what stop he makes!" And controversy hence a question takes, Whether the horse by him became his deed, Or he his manage by the well-doing steed.
~William Shakespeare

...Vaulted with such ease into his seat, As if an angel dropp'd down from the clouds, To turn and wind a firey Pegasus, And witch the world with noble horsemanship.
~William Shakespeare

God forbid that I should go to any Heaven in which there are no horses.
~R. Graham

He doth nothing but talk of his horses.
~William Shakespeare

A good rider on a good horse is as much above himself and others as the world can make him.
~Lord Herbert

Round Hoofed, short joined, fetlocks shag and long.
Broad breast, full eye, small head and nostril wide
High crest, short ears, straight legs and passing strong
Thin mane, thick tail, broad buttocks, tender hide.
Look, what a horse should have he did not lack
Save a proud rider on so proud a back.

And I looked, and beheld a pale horse: and his name that sat sat upon him was death.

To me, horses and freedom are synonymous
~Veryl Goodnight

The Horse
And God took a handful of southerly wind, blew His breath over it and created the horse.
~Bedouin Legend

He has galloped through young girl's dreams, added richness to grown women's lives, and served men in
war and strife.
~Toni Robinson

Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls- they give us hope!
~Toni Robinson

...Wild to hold, though I seem tame.
~Thomas Wyatt

I will not change my horse with any that treads on four pasterns. Ca ha! He bounds from the earth, as if his entrails were hairs, le cheval volant, the Pegasus, chez les narines de feu! When I bestride him, I soar, I am a
hawk: he trots the air; the earth sings when he touches it; the basest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes... he is pure air and fire...the prince of palfreys; his neigh is like the bidding of a monarch and his countenance enforces homage.
~William Shakespeare

A horse gallops with its lungs, perserveres with its heart, and wins with its character.

To many, the words love, hope and dreams are synonymous with horses.

The horses prance and paw and neigh, Fillies and colts like kittens play...
~Oliver W. Homes

Has thou given the horse strength? Hast thou clothed his neck with thunder? Canst thou make him afraid
as a grasshopper? The glory of his nostrils is terrible. He paweth in the valley, and rejoiceth in his strength: he goeth on to meet the armed men. He mocketh at fear, and is not affrighted; neither turneth he back from the sword. The quiver rattleth against him, the glittering spear and the shield. He swalloweth the ground with fierceness and rage: neither believeth he that it is the sound of the trumpet. He saith among the trumpets, Ha ha; and he smelleth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains, and the shouting.
~Job 39:19-25

...suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared...
~2 Kings 2:11

Dear to me is my bonnie white steed; Oft has he helped me at pinch of need.
~Sir Walter Scott

A Hiberanium sage once wrote that there are three things a man never forgets: The girl of his early youth, a
devoted teacher, and a great horse.
~C. Mullen

There's something about the outside of a horse that's good for the inside of a man.
~Sir Winston Churchill

Show me your horse and I will tell you who you are.
~English saying

The horse through all its trials has preserved the sweetness of paradise in its blood.
~Johannes Jensen

Horses symbolize the personal drive for freedom shared by people of all nations.

When will they make a tractor that can furnish the manure for farm fields and produce a baby tractor every spring?
~George Rupp

The old mare watched the tractor work
A thing of rubber and steel,
Ready to follow the slightest wish
Of the man who held the wheel.
She said to herself as it passed by,
You gave me an awful jolt
But there's still one thing you cannot do,
You cannot raise a colt.
~Source unknown

Fierce as the fire and fleet as the wind...
~A.L. Gordon

The wagon rests in winter, the sleigh in summer, the horse never.
~Yiddish Proverb

There is something about breeding good horses that makes it the Sport of Kings.
~Stanly Harrison

Steeds, steeds, what steeds! Has the whirlwind a home in your manes?
~Nilolai Gogol

When God created the horse he said to the magnificent creature: I have made thee as no other. All the treasures of the earth lie between thy eyes. Thou shalt carry my friends upon thy back. Thy saddle shall be the seat of prayers to me. And thou fly without wings, and conquer without any sword. Oh, horse.
~The Qu'ran (Koran)
Note: The Qu'ran is the sacred book of Islam, which was written by the honorable Muhammed.

Their horses were of great stature, strong and clean-limbed; their grey coats glistened, their long tails
flowed in the wind, their manes were braided on their proud necks.
~ J.R.R. Tolkien

A Horseman should know neither fear, nor anger...
~James Rarey

Soon I shall go to sleep, in hopes of seeing him again. His intelligent soft eyes, his elegant head. His soft heart, and his four legs. For my horse is a dream, a dream of the making.
~Lindsay Turcotte

If I had a horse, I'd ride off in the sunset, where dreams, and shadows lie. To a life, where pain and sorrow don't exist, and to where hopes, and dreams become reality.
~Lindsay Turcotte

...A horse is a thing a beauty...none will tire of looking at him as long as
he displays himself in his splender.

Ask me to show you poetry in motion, and I will show you a horse

They say that princes learn no art truly, but the art of horsemanship. The reason is, the brave beast is no flatterer. He will throw a prince as soon as his groom.
~Ben Jonson

You can have a man, a woman, a dog or a cow and you will still dream for
the horse. Of course, money/fame come a close second.....
~Magic Pony

You know you are going really fast when you are galloping the same way as
the wind is blowing, yet there is wind in your ears.

-Why did the man decide to buy an Appaloosa?
-Becuase he didn't have enough money for a horse, but he didn't want a dog!

People on horses look better than they are. People in cars look worse
than they are.

...tireless, swift as the flowing wind. Shadowfax they called him. By day
his coat glistens like silver; and by night it is like a shade, and he
passes unseen. Light is his footfall!
~ J.R.R. Tolkien

Sometimes you have to put your foot down to get a leg up.
~Dave Weinbaum

There are times when you can trust a horse, times when you can't, and times when you have to.

**I have never been able to get **
**the barrels to race **
**the shows to jump **
**the flat to race **
**poles to bend **
**Haven't been able to get **
**the harness to race **
**the team to pen **
*Have You?*

A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves-strong, powerful, beautiful-and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.
~Pam Brown

The sight of [that pony] did something to me I've never quite been able to explain. He was more than tremendous strength and speed and beauty of motion. He set me dreaming.
~Walt Morey

In riding a horse we borrow freedom.
~Helen Thomson

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